Publications by Silvia Ziranek
Publications about Silvia Ziranek
1970-1972 Russian and Arabic, Leeds University
1972-1973 Foundation Studies, Croydon College of Art
1973-1976 Fine Art, Goldsmith's College, University of London
Exhibitions / performances
OWN GROWN – NOW WRONG – LOCKDOWNED BEAN recipe for RECIPES UNDER CONFINEMENT ed. Sharon Kivland, publ. Ma Bibliothèque, London ISBN 978-1-910055-77-9
THEREFORE I PINK selected for Instagram@chromazone_mag chromazone mag, 1, a celebration of colour, p. 15
3 by 6 ( by 20 ) selected for Facing It for Instagram@thehouseofsmalls (1/12 scale) thehouseofsmalls (1/12 scale)
G-V & Z selected for In-Between, TOMA, Southend-on-Sea, curated by Vanessa Giorgo
24 & 25/10/20
THE NOWNESS OF NOW invited intrusion into Creative Women’s Forum (Jude Kelly) online 3/9/20
Final edit of IT IS IS IT film with Ann Elliott, Sally Williams, Ana Godinho de Matos
Scenesaver adds IN OTHERED WORD to accessible platform https://www.scenesaver.co.uk/production/in-othered-words
IN OTHERED WORDS WAF20 In Your Living Room, IYLR online, 17 & 24 May 2020
I make Masks For Mums (Whittington Hospital)
Z Dedicated Reading In Memory Of, Women’s Faculty Club, University of Berkeley, U.S. 2/2020
Detling Talks, private reading from Z texts
SHE IS / I’M IN eulogy contribution to The Leaving Compilation for Founding Director Jane Rolo, on her retirement from Book Works, London
IT IS IS IT talk event with Curator Ann Elliott, Canary Wharf, London
IT IS IS IT exhibition, July – August, curated by Ann Elliott, Canary Wharf, London
ATTEMPTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS (FOR C.R.) performance, on the anniversary of Blondin’s death, Kensal Green Cemetery, London
Filmed interview with Adriana Disman for L.A.D.A. archives, SZ studio, London
Art Car Boot, launching Neck Words by SZ for Pink Skirt stand, Lambeth, London
Chorus line for Andrew Logan’s ‘Psychedelic Peace’ Alternative Miss World, The Globe, London
Art Car Boot, Word Works by SZ for Pink Skirt stand, Granary Square, London
BETTER BEST(NESS) performance at Create/feminisms conference 'Feminist Art Activisms and Artivisms', organised by Professor Katy Deepwell, Middlesex University
IF performance, on the anniversary of Blondin’s death, Kensal Green Cemetery, London
Gaudy Baubles, Haverstock Open, SZ for Pink Skirt stand, London
Art Car Boot, Wearing Words, SZ for Pink Skirt stand, Lambeth, London
UNSUNG SONGS project launch performance, with Cath Hawes, Cabaret Futura, London
ON BALANCE performance, on the anniversary of Blondin’s death, Kensal Green Cemetery, London
I FIRE costume performance, Prize Winner, Kaufman’s Great Fire of London Events competition, London
AND THIS IS HERE performance, with Chrissy Robinson and Cath Hawes, curated by Bob Pain, to celebrate the relocation of Omni Printers at their new premises, London Z on Z, reading of writings, Feminist Library benefit, London
Art Car Boot, Love Lines, SZ for Pink Skirt stand, Brick Lane, London
MY LATE P/LATE performance, with Cath Hawes, curated by Lelia Greci, Wandsworth Arts Fringe, Oasis (Tooting branch), London
PRE-HISTORY TO POST performance, curated by Cath Mattos, Wandsworth Arts Fringe launch, London
The BARbara Hepworth, Divine Edibles with Harriet Vine (Tatty Devine), Artists Behind Bars curated by Kitty Finer, closing down event at Matt’s Gallery, London E3
Pin the Tiara on (Dali's Lobster) Art Car Boot, Margate
(DOWN TO MY LAST) TEN TIARAS, Bloomsbury Festival, London
AS THIS IS TO THIS performance with Yma Ziranek Wilson, MK calling, Milton Keynes Gallery
SZ for PB performance for Pavel Buchler, ikon gallery, Birmingham
Reading, Cabaret Futura at Art Car Boot, London
MEVILLE performance, Saltaire Arts Trail
QUANTUM Performance, Wandsworth Fringe Cabaret
WHY CAN'T A WOMAN BE MORE LIKE A MAN? Wandsworth Fringe launch
Reading, Louche Women, London
Reading with Aldo Ziranek Wilson on guitar, Cabaret Futura, curated by Richard Strange
AND THIS IS HERE performance to introduce new premises, Omni, London
QUE SERA SERA performance, supporting Sarah Jane Morris, The Hippodrome, London
Chorus Line for Andrew Logan’s ‘Neon Numbers’ Alternative Miss World, the Globe Theatre, London
Vocal component for SallyAnne Wood’s Colour installation and performance, Art Workers’ Guild, London
Wearing Words stand and TALKING WEARING performance, Alannah Currie’s Feminist Fair, London
PIN THE TIARA ON DALI performance, Bob and Roberta Smith’s Art Party, ICA, London
PIN THE TIARA ON ART performance, A Fête Worse Than Death, London
MOVE OVER DARLING performance, with Yma Ziranek Wilson, curated by Rachael House, Lewisham Arthouse, London
Art Car Boot, launch of The Baubles, SZ for Pink Skirt stand, Brick Lane, London
THIS HERE performances, Buzzcut Festival, Glasgow
US MAKING OURS workshop, Victoria & Albert Museum of Childhood, London
Z reads Z, Selected Writings read, Cabaret Futura, London
THIS THERE performance, International Women’s Day event, Ace Hotel Shoreditch, London
Z reads Z, a read rendition of Ziranek Writings to a tea-time audience, West London
I AM SHARD costume performance (Prize Winner), Kaufman’s Big Buildings, London
I THINK NOT performance Totemic Festival, Freud Museum, London, curated by Lili Spain
MAKING ARTexhibition, co-curated with Sandra Higgins and a Reading Performance with John James, Gallery Petit, Chelsea, London
A ROSE IS performance, LUPA, Bethnal Green, London
mORe rISk performance, openartscafe, London
THIS, HERE performance, LUPA, Bethnal Green, London
JUST PERFECTpromenading performance, The Big Bamboozle, Camden Art Centre, London
(JUST) BE…(ING) text work and performance for Do You Remember It – or Weren’t You There exhibition, Gallery West at University of Westminster, Curated by Cally Trench and Philip Lee
Bodies of Memory, performance, directed by Fiona Templeton – Late at Tate Britain as part of Acts of Legacy programmed by New Work Network, (5 October)
SOVIET SENSATION Silvia Ziranek At The Other Art Fair (8 August)
Ciao Modernism (A Hello, A Performance, A Talk, A Diatribe, A Goodbye) curated by Anna Bunting Branch , Guest Projects, London (21 Jan)
TÊTE-A-T8performance Collaboration programme, curated by Marcus Dickey-Horley, Tate Britain (7 August)
WANT/MAKE/WEAR/LOVE (IT)performance to launch Tatty Devine’s How-to-make jewellery book (Virgin Books, 2011)
NOT UNDIRTYperformance x 3, The Dirt programme, Wellcome Collection, London (June)
Working tour to N. America and Canada with talk/ performances to Alberta College of Art and Design, Calgary (10 Nov 2010); Artists Talk, Canada organised by Illingworth Kerr Gallery;WAFFLE SHOPperformance curated by Professor John Carson, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and talk at Sotheby’s Grad School, New York, curated by Kathy Battista
HOW NOW AFFECTS HOW, a pre-pudding performance in the Sculpture and Performance conference, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, curated by Dr Jonathan Wood How Now Affects How, text online
FOOT FOOD AGO performance with Lisa Z. Morgan, National Review of Live Art, curated by Nikki Milican, CCA, Glasgow
The Festive Tree Installation for the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, London
TEN TIARAS (DOWN TO MY LAST) photographic work & performance for Art for Africa Auction, Sotheby’s ,London
THE POM POM YEARS performance, Victoria and Albert Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood as part of Kid’s Fashion through the Ages exhibition, curated by Rhian Harris
WALLWALK performance to move The Photographers Gallery, Photographers Gallery, London, curated by Clare Grafik
WALL WORDWORK reading and artwork for Concrete Dreams, APT London, curated by Fran Cottell and Liz Harrison
DECLINING SILENCE a communication speech performance presentation for BSL Summer Event, Tate Modern curated by Marcus Dickey-Horley (4 July)
CHASING SPACES performance in the Marking Space Symposium, curated by Angela Maddock, University of Swansea (June)
BIGGER ART THAN LOOK performance with Yma Ziranek Wilson, Barnet Arts Depot
MORE OR, LESS ORDER performance, National Review of Live Art, Tramway, Glasgow, curated by Nikki Milican
RISK TOO performance, C.A.T. Festival, curated by Andre Stitt, Cardiff School of Art
NOT BRICK BUT BEING performance & artwork, De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill, for the It Starts From Here programme, curated by Celia Davies
I ARE OR performance, Imperial War Museum, London, part of Camouflage programme, again at Leeds City Gallery, Lightnight, curated by Nigel Walsh
Recipe reading with Clarissa Dickson Wright, Ilkley Literature Festival
This Will Not Happen Without You: From the collective archive of The Basement Group, Projects UK and Locus+ 1977-2006, exhibition, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton (21 November 2006 - 20 January)
I DO SHOE a curious live work as part of Shoes - the Agony and the Ecstasy, a Discovery Museum touring exhibition at Gateshead Museum and Norwich Castle, curated by Janice Blackburn
EAT ART’S DANCE performance and publication, celebration of the first birthday of the Contemporary Patrons Group, Royal Academ, London
DRESS MESSAGES performance, Devon Guild of Craftsmen, Exeter
BIGGER ART THAN LOOK Watermans Art Centre, London
A FEW BIG FROCKS a personal interpretational performance, Frida Kahlo conference, Tate Modern, curated by Oriana Baddeley
BIGGER ART THAN LOOK performance with Yma Ziranek Wilson to open Raised Awareness curated by Bill Woodrow and Marcus Horley for Tate Modern (19 July-30 September) and PINK SHOES ARE BETTER art work.
Z SAID performed text, Hull Literary festival, June, with Hull Arts Lab
Reading, Southwark Literary festival, Peckham Library, May ,curated by Maria Chevska and Michael Petrie
MOST/LY MOTIF/LY reworked presentation, American International University, London, curated by Verdi Yahooda (Feb)
DRESS MESSAGES performance, ArtTextiles 3, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Rugby Art Gallery, Artsway, and The Harley Gallery, Welbeck
FOR YOUR OWN G(O)ODperformance, The Veil exhibition, Modern Art Oxford, curated by Andrew Nairne
tANDem, edited performance, for Soprimaverdada, Area 10, Peckham, London
JAM TODAY (I’M HERE TO SAY) performance to assess and celebrate the new Arts Council London’s first year, curated by Greg Hilty
Monday Mondaypart of series of events at Wapping Pump House, London, curated by Jules Wright
AN ARTIST (TALKS), twice actually, performance, to celebrate twenty years of the Café Gallery, Southwark Park, London
DRESS MESSAGES performance / installation / publication, ArtTextiles 3, (Bury St Edmunds and Edinburgh city art centre) selectors, Susan Hiller, Jonathan Watkins, Professor Sarat Maharaj and Sarah Quinton (also performed as a reading at Nathalie Hambro’s Boutique, London).
A SLICE OF SILVIA readings and performances for Arts Admin, London
A birthday affair for Mrs (now Lady) Ritblat
ZFXa teatime experience (also edible) Surrey Docks Farm, London
SOMETIME SUNDAY RISKS performance in seminar on The Risk Factor, curated by James Putnam & Sacha Craddock, Blacks, London
wORk performance, Kathy Battista’s ‘Women’s Work’ course, Tate Modern
tANDem performance to open RSA Art for Architecture annual conference, curated by Ingrid Swenson.
IN THE NAME OF performance at James Putnam’s and Sacha Craddock’s ‘Love’ salon, Blacks, London
MOST/LY MOTIF/LY performance, Pattern Crazy exhibition, Crafts Council, London, curated by Jacqui Poncelet & Carol McNicoll
In education programme, Z WALKS two local primary schools walk to the Crafts Council, London, to investigate physical, environmental, and artistic, patterns
<RECAF: MORE NEW ENCORE (TO YOU?) performance to re-open Café Gallery, London, curated by Ron Henocq
WHY A BUCKET? WHY? performance,Live in your Head conference, curated by Alastair Raphael
Live in Your Head print & wall text piece for group exhibition, Whitechapel Gallery, London, curated by Andrea Tarsia
(Also worked for education programme, WALLWORKS walking local primary schools with Art-as-We-Go)
BIG PINK I performance to close (for rebuilding) Café Gallery, London
HEY PESTO wall work, Café Gallery, London
text work in The Boat Show, Café Gallery, London (see publications below)
FEET WALKING performance and photographic exhibition, Brecht Zentrum, Berlin, curated by Inge Gellert
ALSO SPRACH Z&W performance collaboration with Wagner on his Siegfried’s Tod for PROT Theater, Munich
A ROSE IS A ROSE IS A performance and artwork, Wewerka Gallery, Berlin
1992 (15 month move to Berlin)
BELEGTE WOERTCHEN performance and reading, T & A Gallery, Berlin
GA GA BONGO performance with The Berlin Sophies, Podewil, Berlin, curated by Matteus Osterwald
IN SACHEN SOUND performance and reading, DAAD Gallery, Berlin
SOON UPON AGO birthday performance commissioned for / by Jim Moyes, Saatchi Gallery, London
Reading, Cambridge Contemporary Conference of Poetry
Performance, Homage to Rimbaud festival, Plymouth Arts Centre
OH EXCUSE ME, MAY I TRY ON YOUR MORALS performance and photowork Amnesty International Auction, Christie’s, London
Performance talk, Part of Heatwave festival, Serpentine Gallery, London, curated by Katy Sender
LOGO LINGO performance, Live Art festival, Serpentine Gallery, London, curated by Katy Sender
Costumed tableau vivant, Soho Jazz festival, London
Video performance commission from/ for Elizabeth Ann Macgregor on her departure from the Arts Council and subsequent move to Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, as Director
Z on X new recipe for Club X, Channel 4 TV, curated by Charlie Parsons (also featuring Yazz and Wet Wet Wet)
SOMEWHERE IN SAUCEDOM installation and VERY FOOD reading & tasting, The Gantry, Southampton City Art Gallery, Southampton curated by Andrew Cross
ARTOCRACY S.P.performance, British Council reception, Sao Paolo Bienal, Brazil, curated by Gill Hedley
ANYONE CAN APRON performance,Images of Women, Leeds City Art Gallery, curated by Corinne Miller, Lynda Nead, Griselda Pollock
ICI VILLA MOI performance & sculpture installation Watermans Arts Centre, Brentford, London, curated by Alison Macleod & Bev Bytheway , Cornerhouse, Manchester (27 Jul -9 Sep 1990), curators: Alison D. MacLeod, Bev Bytheway (performance at Green Room, Manchester, 1990); also tours to Leeds City Art Gallery, curated by Nigel Walsh, 1990, and Farnham College of Art and Design, curated by Andrew Cross, 1990
GA GA BONGO performance, Leadmill, Sheffield
ALOHA CLERKENWELL AND A COUPLE OF CARDIS performance, Edge 88, curated by Rob la Frenais
VERY FOOD reading/ tasting and live work/ photography, Art in Action, Plymouth Arts Centre, curated by Rose Garrard
HOW TO IN TEN EASY erformance in Shanghai Pavilion garden, Glasgow Garden Festival curated by Isabel Vasseur
HUNGER FEEDS THOUGHT TV performance, After Midnight with Anthony Wilson, Granada TV
ANYONE CAN APRON performance, Cornerhouse, Manchester, part of The Subversive Stitch, curated by Pennina Barnett
O.R.F., radio work on Radiokunst / Kunstradio with Heidi Grundmann, Vienna, Austria
ONE TRIES TO LOOK ART performance to open ‘Das Glaeserne U-Boot’, KREMs, Festival of Performance and Installation, Donaufestival, Krems, Austria
MOUTH AHOY Polyphonix Festival, Georges Pompidou Centre, Paris, curated by Projects UK
OH BONJOUR SAUCEPAN (Silv at the Pav) banquet and performances, Brighton Pavilion, part of Brighton Festival
WHISPER ‘THROUGH’ WHILST WATER RESTS performance and discussion with Gray Watson, A.I.R. Gallery, London
I SAW WEE JOHN ONE DAY... performance, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, book launch curated by Bookworks
Photographic works for / into post cards Air mail exhibition at A.I.R. Gallery, London
VERY FOOD TV performance with After image for Alter Image series, Channel 4 (UK) Broadcast: 16 August
MOUTH AHOY performance, Plug in festival, Winnipeg and Art Gallery of Windsor, Canada, curated by Wayne Baerwaldt and Art Gallery of Windsor, Canada
VERY FOOD photographic exhibition / installation / reading / publication launch, Nigel Greenwood Gallery and Bookshop, London; exhibition / installation/ gourmet reading toured to Link Art Centre, Swindon (curated by Alastair Snow) and Brighton Library, Brighton
ANYONE CAN APRON performance, Kettles Yard, Cambridge, exhibition and events curated by Sue Arrowsmith
SO ALTOGETHE SOUNDISH (HINTS ON VOCABULARY) performance, Chisenhale Dance Space, London
ASSENTING DIMENSIONS AND DIAGONAL VOCABULARY performance / installation to open 2D/3D: Art and Craft made and designed for the Twentieth Century exhibition, Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle, curated by John Millard
INTERNATIONAL WITH LIPSTICK exhibition of sculpture, photography, performance and installation Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London
FOR OBVIOUS REASONS performance, Tudor Merchants Hall, Southampton, part of Inside out, Southampton Art Gallery, curated by Andrew Cross
HUNGER FEEDS THOUGHT performance, Ocean Village, Southampton, curated by Andrew Cross
BORN TO SHOP performance, New Work Newcastle ‘86, Laing Art Gallery, curated by Projects UK
Performance tour of North West America and Canada: Nova Scotia College of Art & Design; Optica, Montreal; Franklyn Furnace, New York
I TEND TO AND SO ON performance for Performance Art and Video Installation Tate Britain, London, curated by Catherine Lacey, Rchard Francis, Jeremy Lewison, Ann Jones
ISH, VERY ISH performance, Swindon Shopping Centre, curated by Alastair Snow
WORDS ARE MUCH LIKE SOAP, AND MUSHROOMS performance, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford
May-June performances as part of a tour of Ireland (Derry, Belfast, Kenmare), curated by John Carson
February-May, performances as part of The British Show touring Australia and New Zealand (Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Wellington and Wanganui)
NOT NECESSARILY S/WORDS performance, Zap Club, Brighton, curated by Neil Butler
H(AMM)ER (HO)USE performance, Cross Currents, Royal College of Art, London, curated by Chrissie Iles
SOME LIKE THEIR OWN F/ACTS (I’M EXPECTED, YOU SEE) performance, Nottingham Performance Festival, curated by Rob La Frenais and Silvia Ziranek
(L)IF(E) HAS A LOT TO DO WITH IT performance, part of Live Works outside the Hayward Gallery, London
FRIEND TO ALL AND LOVER OF ANIMALS compère and de luxe sandwich maker, Second Bracknell Performance festival, Berkshire
THAT’S THE WAY OF IT performance, Anthony Reynolds Gallery, Aperto, Venice Biennale
HUNGER FEEDS THOUGHT performance, The Travelling Exhibitionists with Projects UK
THE (D)ANGER OF (CH)ARMS performance, Perfo 2, De Lantaaren, Rotterdam, curated by Wink van Kempen
SO DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR performance, P.S.122, New York
TRYING NOT TO COPE performance, Pyramid Club, New York, curated by Barbara Lehmann
COSTA DEL TEARDROP performance, Harbourfront, Toronto
CHEZ Z (SHE SAID) performances, Riverside Studios, London
AS AN EXPERIENCE I SUIT MY PURPOSE performance with Tim Wilson, London Video Arts, A.I.R. Gallery, London
BANQUET, Bracknell Performance Festival, Berkshire
A DELIBERATE CASE OF PARTICULARS / THE INTEMPERATE HEART / I ATE ART, performance, Britain Salutes New York Festival, Franklyn Furnace, New York, curated by Audio Arts
A DELIBERATE CASE OF PARTICULARS performance, The Basement Group/ Performance in Pizzaland Restaurant, Newcastle upon Tyne. Curated by Projects UK
HIS EYES WERE COLD AS JELLY, HER LIPS WERE HOT AS CHIPS performance, The Slammer, Mayfair, London, curated by Richard Strange
IF YOU THINK IT ENTIRELY NECESSARY, OF COURSE I WILL performance, B2 Gallery, Wapping, London
THE RATHER OF WHILE ... TOO MUCH AT ALL BBC Radio 1 broadcast. First writing commission by John Walters for a performance artist
RARELY TALK, USED AIR performance, Tate Gallery, curated by Audio Arts
ACH OUI, GOLDFISH ZUPPA performance, Scuola di San Pasquale, Anthony Reynolds Gallery, Aperto, Venice
CHEZ PAULEEN performance, Architectural Association, London
FROM A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF HEIGHT recipe performance, Angel Intersection Gallery, London
PHOTOS AND OTHER FEMALES... performance, B2 Gallery, Wapping, London
TEETH AND OTHER EMOTIONS performance, Illustrators Gallery, London
SHARE A PLATE WITH THE ONE YOU LOVE performance, Riverside Studios, London to bid adieu to Bruce McLean
THERE’S SOMETHING REAL (ABOUT THE WORLD WE LIVE IN) performance, Performance Magazine party, Diorama, London
ADAM’S BEST FRIEND? performance, private commission, London
TRAGEDY AND CROSSWORDS (PSSST. FROZEN) performance, Nottingham Performance Festival
TRAGEDY AND CROSSWORDS (PSSST) performance, Basement Group, Newcastle
RUBBERGLOVERAMA, DRAMA performance, About Time, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, curated by Catherine Elwes, Rose Garrard, and Sandy Nairne
Series of solo performances in New York, including private commissions for private views, press presentations, birthday celebrations, night clubs
WARM THOUGHTS performance, Battersea Arts Centre, London
THAT CHARMING VASE performance, London Film Makers Co-op
CHILI CON CARDBOARD performance, Hayward Annual, Hayward Gallery, London, selected by Helen Chadwick (19 July-27 Aug)
Un Morceau de Gateau performance with Bruce Mclean, Inside Out, Royal College of Art, London
Sorry: A Minimal Musical in Parts performance with Bruce Mclean, Battersea Arts Centre, London
Bruce McLean with Silvia Ziranek. A sound/slide work comprising two parts from Sorry: A Minimal Musical Duration 10 minutes + 2 slides. (Presented at Battersea Arts Centre 1977, and Hayward Annual 1979). Audio Arts records
SOVIET SENSATION, performance, New Contemporaries, Acme Gallery, London curated by Mike Collyer
FADLive: Silvia Ziranek : Soviet Sensation, posted 3 August 2012, (SOVIET SENSATION, originally performed at Goldsmiths' College, London in 1976 and Acme Gallery, Covent Garden in 1977 )
multilingual hostess performance in Deep Freeze, with freezers and Nice Style, The World’s First Pose Band, Hanover Grand, London
Co-performer in Crease Crisis and collaborator in film with Nice Style and Victor Mature, Goethe House, London
Bursaries/ Awards/ Artist-in-Residences
2004 Arts Admin/Esmee Fairbairn/Calouste Gulbenkian Bursary
1991 LVA award for Kino Cuisine
1990 Selected as one of seven artists-in-(brief) residence by Rose Garrard, Plymouth Arts Centre
Teaching and Lectures in Art Schools
2013 ‘IT’S ME OR NEVER’ conference paper in ‘Do You Remember it?’ and Exhibiting Performance Conference: 2 & 3 March 2013, University of Westminster, Regent St.
2010 M(OR)E, Artist’s talk, National Review of Live Art, CCA, Glasgow
2009 THE Z OF HOW, Artist’s talk, Glasgow School of Art (3 March) Video of performance
Curators’ talk, Courtauld Institute, London
2007 Artist’s talk, Cornerhouse (16 Oct)
2006 Artist’s talk, University College, Falmouth,
Artist’s talk University of Plymouth , Exeter
Artist’s talk Norwich Art School
2003 Artist’s talk with added extras and exchange, Leeds Metropolitan University, Manchester University and Central St. Martins, London
Memory workshop & slide talk, Theatre Dept, Central School of Art, London
2002 Artist’s talk (and so on) as part of ‘Humour in Art’ series, Ruskin School of Art, Oxford University
2001 Visiting Lecturer, Ruskin School of Art, Oxford University
1994 Artist’s talk, Art Dept, Hull University
performance reading, Food symposium, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff
performance reading, Glasgow Art School
1989 Artist’s talk etc, Coventry Poly
Artist’s talk and reading, Cheltenham College of Art & Design
Visiting Prof and Course Director, University of Manitoba, Canada
1988 Artist’s talk, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Artist’s talk, University of Manitoba, Canada
1986 I AM A TABLE? Performance project with Portsmouth School of Art Foundation Course students
Publications by Silvia Ziranek
2013 WALL WORKS: Performances and Texts ebook (London: KT press)
2011 'A/MY LIFE IN (MY) WORDS; (WHAT?) FACE FATE’ n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal vol 28 Biopolitics (July) pp. 41-43.
2008 DECLINING SILENCE publication to coincide with performance, Tate Modern, London (artist’s limited edition, 100 copies)
2007 IT STARTS FROM HERE De La Warr Pavilion exhibition catalogue
I ARE OR publication of performance text, Imperial War Museum, London (artist’s limited edition, 100 copies)
2006 ‘PINK SHOES ARE BETTER’ in Raised Awareness (A portfolio publication: Tate)
1999 Recipe for Artists’ Cook Book (Berlin: Druckwerkstatt)
1993 ‘A FROM WHEN UPON WHERE’ in A space without art / sendezeit, Berlin, edited by Klara Wallner
I WONDERED LONELY AS A WAVE in Reflections London: Café Gallery Publication to accompany The Boat Show show, July
1991 Silvia Ziranek: ICI VILLA MOI performance text (Leeds: Leeds Art Gallery, 15 Dec. 1990-10 Feb) (artist’s limited edition, 50 copies)
1990 ICI VILLA MOI exhibition catalogue (London: Watermans Art Centre/Manchester : Cornerhouse) introduction by Louisa Buck
1989 Z IN W bookwork commissioned by Wayne Baerwaldt (limited edition of 30) (Winnipeg, Canada: Plug In Inc, 1989)
1987 VERY FOOD (London: Book Works)
1986 'ARTOCRACY' Performance Magazine No 38
1985 ‘FROM THE DAY I SAW ART, I SAID WHY’ Artlink vol 5 no 1
1983 ‘COOKING WITH G*D (I (H)ATE SOLITUDE)’ Eight recipes in pink and gold cassette (September) Audio Arts Supplement 5
CHEZ Z (SHE SAID) performance texts, Riverside Studios, London
1982 ‘RARELY TALK (USED AIR)’ in Live To Air: Artists' Sound Works. Audio Arts – CD Volume 5, No's 3 & 4 1982. MP3 version online
Publications about Silvia Ziranek
2019 Interview with Silvia Ziranek: 'I enjoy appearance colour shape form and I love dressing up' Studio International online 25 September
London City Lights, Review of IT IS IS IT 10 July 2019
2013 Review of 'Totemic Festival Second Day' at the Freud Museum, 6th July 2013 London City Lights
Review of Making Art with Sandra Higgins at Gallery Petit, London London City Nights
Review of mORe rISk, 43rd Open Arts Cafe, ‘High Wire’ at the West London Synagogue, (16th May) London City Nights
Review of ‘LUPA 18' behind James Campbell House (19th April) London City Nights
Cally Trench and Philip Lee Do You Remember It – Or Weren’t You There? exhibition publication (Gallery West, University of Westminster)
2012 Deirdre Heddon and Dr Jennie Klein Histories and Practices of Live Art (Palgrave Macmillan)
Kathy Battista Re-Negotiating the Body: Feminist Art in 1970s London (London: IB Tauris)
2011 Myrel Chernick and Jennie Klein (eds.) The M Word: Real Mothers in Contemporary Art (Toronto: Demeter Press)
Lisa Z. Morgan Design behind Desire: The Sensuous Textures of Wanting (Farameh Media)
Kathy Battista ‘Performing Feminism’ Art Monthly (343) Feb 2011
David Blamey, Cathy Courtney, Adalsteinn Ingolfsson (Auths.) Work & Turn: Artists' Bookworks From the United Kingdom (London Gallery West catalogue)
2008 Joes Art Blog Review of talk by Silvia Ziranek at Cornerhouse, Manchester (posted 18 April 2008)
This Will Not Happen Without You: From the collective archive of The Basement Group, Projects UK and Locus+ 1977-2006, exhibition catalogue, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton (21 November 2006 - 20 January)
2007 André Stitt (ed) Text: Sam Hasler The CAT Show: Cardiff Art In Time (TRACE : SAMIZDAT PRESS)
2004 ‘Practitioner Voices: Silvia Ziranek’ Interview, January 2004 by Becca Gill as part of the Total Theatre Explores research project.
2000 Live in your Head: Concept and Experiment in Britain 1965-1975 (Whitechapel Art Gallery) Curators: Clive Phillpot and Andrea Tarsia
1998 Naomi Siderfin, Duncan McCorquodale, Julian Stallabrass Occupational Hazard: Critical Writing on Recent British Art (Black Dog Publishing Ltd)
1994 William Furlong Audio Arts: Discourse and Practice in Contemporary Art (Academy Editions)
1990 Jeni Walwin ‘Silvia Ziranek’ Performance Magazine
1989 Corinne Miller, Lynda Nead, Griselda Pollock Images of Women exhibition catalogue (Leeds City Art Galleries)
1988 Radio presentation and interview on Kaleidoscope, BBC radio 4 by Paul Vaughan
Cathy Courtney ‘Review of Silvia Ziranek Very Food’, Art Monthly (Dec/Jan 1988) no. 112 p.41
1987 Jonathan Watkins 'Sylvia (sic) Ziranek' Art Line3: 7 (Apr.-May 1987) p. 27
Jonathan Watkins, ‘Review of Silvia Ziranek’s performance,'INTERNATIONAL WITH LIPSTICK', Anthony Reynolds Gallery’ Art Monthly (Feb 1987) no. 103 p.31
Tony Knipe and John Millard (eds) with Christopher Frayling, Edward Allington, Paul Overy and Brian Housden 2D/3D: Art and Craft made and designed for the Twentieth Century (Sunderland: Ceolfrith Press)
1986 Jane Withers ‘Rose Coloured Spectacles: a profile on Silvia Ziranek’ Sunday Times magazine (21/9/86)
Jeni Walwin 'INTERNATIONAL WITH LIPSTICK'catalogue pamphlet, Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London
1985 Performance art and video installation (London: Tate Gallery, 16 Sept-6 October)
1984 ‘How Life Differs from Detergent: The Legendary Silvia Ziranek Tells All –Interview’ Phil Hyde, Performance Magazine No 38
1983 Nigel Pullitt ‘Bracknell Festival of Performance: Two Views, Performance Magazine No 25
Olivia Onions Special New York Review of Silvia Ziranek, Franklin Furnace and The Pyramid Club, Performance magazine No 24
1982 Collazione Inglese Aperto, exhibition catalogue,Venice (London: Anthony Reynolds Gallery)
1980 Rose Garrard 'Silvia C. Ziranek: Rubbergloverama Drama (1st November)' in Kate Elwes and Rose Garrard (eds) 'About Time at the ICA' Primary Sources (1980) no.6 pp.8-9, 14. Reproduced in Griselda Pollock and Roszika Parker Framing Feminism: Art and the Women's Movement 1970-1985 (Pandora, 1987) p.226